Records Collections | US Environmental Protection Agency

Records Collections

Region: 07  Collection Type: Special Collection  EPA ID: MOD079900932

Displaying 1 - 10 of Total 10 Special Collections
StateSort A-Z
Collection IDSort A-Z
Collection DescriptionSort A-Z
Site NameSort A-Z
OU Name Sort A-Z
Document Count Sort A-Z
MO 70059 Key Documents MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 1
MO 31560 Publicly Available Documents MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 296
MO 32027 Bridgeton Publicly Available Documents MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 8
MO 37374 2018 Westlake Public Comments MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 4251
MO 38283 Operable Unit 3 RI/FS MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 135
MO 38700 Operable Unit 1 Remedial Design MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 120
MO 39131 Operable Unit 2 Remedial Design MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 54
MO 39132 Westlake Updates MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 98
MO 40550 Operable Unit 3 RI/FS Technical Memorandums MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 125
MO 43150 On-Site Air Monitoring Reports MOD079900932 WESTLAKE LANDFILL N/A N/A 26

DISCLAIMER: In accordance with 40 CFR 300.805(c), effective April 17, 2013, EPA is providing the Superfund Records Collections File to the public using computer telecommunications or other electronic means.