Records Collections | US Environmental Protection Agency

Records Collections

Region: 10  Collection Type: Special Collection  EPA ID: ORSFN1002155

Displaying 1 - 39 of Total 39 Special Collections
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OR 70101 Key Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 10
OR 33273 Publicly Available Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 511
OR 34260 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Final Remedial Investigation ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 67
OR 34375 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Proposed Plan ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 3
OR 34377 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Draft Final Feasibility Study ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 21
OR 34378 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Human Health Risk Assessment ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2
OR 34379 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Community Involvement Plan ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2
OR 34384 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 3
OR 34386 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Administrative Order on Consent ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 4
OR 34387 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Remedial Investigation Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2067
OR 34388 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Feasibility Study Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2315
OR 34389 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Risk Assessment Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 164
OR 34390 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Enforcement Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 68
OR 34392 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Removal Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 33
OR 34393 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Public Outreach Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 673
OR 34394 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File External Agency Coordination Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 4403
OR 34398 Portland Harbor Remedial AR File Remedy Characterization Documents ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 3562
OR 34572 Public Comments on Proposed Plan ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 5335
OR 38491 Public Comments on the Explanation of Significant Differences ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 1130
OR 39793 B1a (Atlantic Richfield Co, BP Product NA, Inc., Brix Martime Co, Exxon Mobil Co, Kinder Morgan) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 1
OR 39794 Gasco (NW Natural) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 16
OR 39795 US Moorings (NW Natural) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2
OR 39796 Navigation Channel (NW Natural) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2
OR 39797 River Mile 7 West (Arkema, Inc.) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2
OR 39798 River Mile 7 West (Bayer CropScience Inc.) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2
OR 39799 Willbridge Cove (Chevron USA, Kinder Morgan, McCall Oil and Chemical Corp, Phillips 66, Shell Oil) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 4
OR 39800 River Mile 9 West (FMC Corporation) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 4
OR 39801 River Mile 10 West (General Electric Corporation) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 4
OR 39802 River Mile 11 East (City of Portland, PacifiCorp, Cargill, Inc, CBS Corp, DIL Trust, Glacier NW) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 25
OR 39803 River Mile 10 East (Union Pacific Railroad Company) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2
OR 39806 River Mile 3.5 East (Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. and MMGL, LLC) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 75
OR 39808 Programmatic Institutional Controls (ICIAP, IMP) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 12
OR 39809 Portland Harbor Interim Data Base (PHIDB) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 5
OR 39810 Quarterly Public Forums and Collaborative Meetings ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 78
OR 39986 Willamette Cove (State of Oregon, City of Portland, Port of Portland, and Settling Federal Agencies) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 11
OR 39987 Terminal 4 (Port of Portland) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 48
OR 40025 Cathedral Park Project Area (EPA) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 19
OR 40026 Unassigned Project Areas (EPA) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 1
OR 40044 Swan Island Basin (Daimler, Vigor, Cascade, Shipyard, USMA, CG, GSA, USBPA, DOD, OR, Portland, Port) ORSFN1002155 PORTLAND HARBOR N/A N/A 2

DISCLAIMER: In accordance with 40 CFR 300.805(c), effective April 17, 2013, EPA is providing the Superfund Records Collections File to the public using computer telecommunications or other electronic means.