Records Collections | US Environmental Protection Agency

Records Collections

Region: 01  Collection Type: Administrative Records  EPA ID: NHD980524086

Displaying 1 - 6 of Total 6 Administrative Record Collections
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NH 61214 Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD), 08-04-2009 NHD980524086 AUBURN ROAD LANDFILL N/A N/A 2
NH 63206 Record of Decision (ROD), 09-17-1986 NHD980524086 AUBURN ROAD LANDFILL 01 WATERLINE 247
NH 63215 Record of Decision (ROD), 09-29-1989 NHD980524086 AUBURN ROAD LANDFILL 02 GROUND WATER 152
NH 63216 First Removal, 09-15-1986 NHD980524086 AUBURN ROAD LANDFILL N/A N/A 13
NH 63217 Second Removal, 08-01-1988 NHD980524086 AUBURN ROAD LANDFILL N/A N/A 6
NH 63218 Record of Decision (ROD) Amendment, 12-19-1996 NHD980524086 AUBURN ROAD LANDFILL 02 GROUND WATER 21

DISCLAIMER: In accordance with 40 CFR 300.805(c), effective April 17, 2013, EPA is providing the Superfund Records Collections File to the public using computer telecommunications or other electronic means.