Records Collections | US Environmental Protection Agency

Records Collections

Region: 01  Collection Type: Administrative Records  EPA ID: MAD002084093

Displaying 1 - 10 of Total 10 Administrative Record Collections
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MA 17 Removal Actions Outside the River, 08-05-1999 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 01 OVERSIGHT OF GE WORK 74
MA 40 Consent Decree, 10-27-2000 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 00 SITEWIDE 32
MA 42 Allendale School Removal Action, 07-12-1999 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 03 ALLENDALE SCHOOL 29
MA 54 Building 68 Removal Action, 03-01-1997 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 00 SITEWIDE 24
MA 59 Upper Reach Removal Action, 05-26-1998 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 00 SITEWIDE 100
MA 103 Non-Time Critical Removal Action (NTCRA) - 1 1/2 Mile Reach, 11-21-2000 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 04 MILE AND HALF REACH 61
MA 63391 Rest of River Final Permit Modification and Selection of Remedial Action, 10-20-2016 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 02 LOWER RIVER 4074
MA 63856 RCRA Permit, 12-05-2007 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 02 LOWER RIVER 21
MA 65885 Draft 2020 Revision to the 2016 Reissued RCRA Permit Modification, 07-14-2020 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 02 LOWER RIVER 300
MA 66478 2020 Revision to the 2016 Reissued RCRA Permit Modification, 12-16-2020 MAD002084093 GE - HOUSATONIC RIVER 02 LOWER RIVER 852

DISCLAIMER: In accordance with 40 CFR 300.805(c), effective April 17, 2013, EPA is providing the Superfund Records Collections File to the public using computer telecommunications or other electronic means.